Seafood Eggs Benedict Crêpe

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Did I ever mention that bruch is my favorite thing to do on the weekend?! Well it is! Lately I haven’t had the opportunity to go to some of my favorite brunch spots due to COVID-19 so I’ve had to make my own brunches and I have to say I’ve gotten quite good at it 😉

For me, brunch is all about those amazing and creative meals that you just can’t get anywhere or even make at home. They seem so complex that the thought of even trying to create them seems impossible. Well guess what? You guys are in luck because I’ve got something up my sleeve that will blow your socks off but not melt your brains lol. These crêpes can be made in the blender the day of OR you can make them the night before and store in the fridge for breakfast or brunch the next day.

Crêpes: These are considered savory crêpes but the recipe is really the same base as a sweet crêpe. You can bump up the sugar amount if you desire that sweeter taste in the crêpe. You can replace the Old Bay seasoning with salt if you like. I’ve tried it both ways. Also I preferred using the non-stick cooking spray instead of butter. You can use either.

Filling: I used smoke salmon and shrimp but you could include crab, oysters, scallops, etc. It’s totally up to you. I chose to use a whipped cream cheese as opposed to the standard block of cream cheese because I light the lightness of it and when heating the filling inside the crêpe it doesn’t take much time.

Seasoning: I used old bay seasoning. It really give me that Maryland seafood flavor that makes seafood so lovable.

Blender Hollandaise: This is my method of choice when I make this yummy sauce. I find it to be super easy and tasty.

Poached Eggs: These can be a little tricky to master there are a few different methods for this but I go with the bowl to water method shown in my video below.


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