Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas

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Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Good Morning and welcome back! HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! I can’t believe how fast 2017 flew by….I mean super fast. Right now everyone is in a healthy place and wanting to keep things light in the new year. I love this time of year because everyone is so full of light and hope. My husband and I are no different; we too are looking for healthier options to incorporate in our daily meals. We have thrown around the meatless option a few times but have yet to commit.

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Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

I decided to create a recipe around the sausage to really give it an opportunity to shine. I love enchiladas so I created breakfast enchiladas using the Sausage Patties, egg whites, cheese, and a few other ingredients. This recipe is totally easy to make and doesn’t take much time once you get everything prepped.

As I said this recipe is super simple so lets get started! First we make the filling so lets cook up that sausage and those egg whites. Make sure to crumble the Sausage Patties so that it distributes evenly that way.

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms
Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Make sure to crumble the Sausage Patties so that it distributes evenly that way.

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Next lets make the enchilada sauce. Now this is in no way authentic but it is super tasty! Combine the cream of chicken, low fat sour cream, and fat free chicken broth to a saucepan with all the spices. Let it heat through and make sure to stir so everything is well combined.

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Next we want to add bulk to our enchiladas so lets prep our veggies! Avocado, tomato, and red onion.

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Next we assemble our enchiladas. See I told  you this was easy 😉 grab your tortilla ( I chose flour), shredded cheese, sausage patties crumbles, egg whites, and enchilada sauce.

First add you egg whites.

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Next your Sausage Patties crumbles

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Then your veggies.

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Now Cheese.

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

And last but not least the enchilada sauce.

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Make sure to roll your enchilada tight and add it to your baking dish. This recipe makes 4 enchiladas so find a dish that fits that amount. Add the remaining sauce to the top of the rolled enchiladas and add your shredded cheese on top of that.

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Place the enchiladas in a 350 degree oven for about 15-20 minutes or until cheese melts. The ingredients are already cooked so we are just warming everything together and melting that yummy cheese. Check out the full recipe below.

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Please tell me you are planning to try this recipe!?! I promise it is easy and a nice treat for breakfast. The enchiladas also store pretty well making it easy to place one in the microwave each morning before work if you wanted to create a make ahead breakfast meal.

Sausage & Egg White Breakfast Enchiladas w/ MorningStar Farms

Be sure to click here to learn more! Which product are you going to try from the MorningStar Farms® line? Tell me in the comments below!

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